Having taken quite the little respite from the world of blogging I have decided to return (triumphantly?) and begin fresh for Fall. Which, in the world of seattle means finding the perfect boots, breaking out every pair of tights you own and trying to find your way in a tumult of rain and gray skies. I've decided that lace up booties are the only option and have resolved to get more than one pair. Although I'm loving the beige suede slouchy ankle boots I grabbed at a small vintage store in Hudson, NY they are not rainproof by any stretch of the imagination. I want slightly chunky heeled, grommit covered laceups that are leather and black and certainly more victorian than Doc's - which have been popping up everywhere over the last six months. Living in Seattle however, I think their style hits a little too close to home, even having them in my closet next to this season's requisite fitted plaid flannel is too much of an homage to Kurt. Modeling my fall attire after my new favorite chictopian http://www.chictopia.com/user/blog/Starrgirl I'm going to need more tights, a little plaid and definitely some boots.
1 comment:
your blog makes me want to dress like less of a dope.
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